• pressure points, eye/face gouging, shoulder wrencher. good player but lower than your nans' tits. hope he retires soon. - Cyberdyne - 140 months ago |
• Congrats. I have a good job too, by the way my e-pEn!s is larger than yours. - S_Coach99 - 150 months ago |
• I don't go for Collingwood, but I loved seeing that loser Carlton a$shole struggling to get up. I hate Carlton with a passion, they bought that on themselves through cheating, tanking and dirty behaviour. I was having a drink and it was a mad hit bro! Good entertainment. sorry if I'm not politically correct enough for you. But I loved it! He smashed that herogot hard! And I loved it. there's a bit of truth for ya. here's another one. Judd is a dirty dog. He eye gouges, goes for nerves and twists arms while players are held down. WHAT-A-DIRTY BASTARD. - S_Coach99 - 150 months ago |
• you mad bro? - Doive - 150 months ago |
• *800 lol - mrpotato - 150 months ago |
• you're such a low person S-Coach99, Judd's was a dog act but welling ham more so. You must be a collingwood supporter to have that flowered up view. A champion for cowardly lining someone up and breaking his jaw? You hope they all get broken jaws? What a low, keyboard warrior-esque thing to say. Classic Collingwood supporter with no brain and no job. "My precious" I'm an Essendon supporter einstein. Thats awkward. Enjoying life on the dole? You are the lowest person I've ever seen on this place or the internet in general. You need help if this is how you really think lol. If i had no brain then why was i ranked in the top 2.5% of all 800+ who completed VCE? You are such an idiot. Stop embarrassing yourself with this drivel - mrpotato - 150 months ago |
• Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The only person who knows the real answer is Juddy himself. The fact that he has these brain fades, for such an intelligent guy, really confuses me. He obviously regrets his actions (for the pressure point too) and not just becasue he got caught, which makes you wonder what his thought process was. He does so well, week in week out, to put up with actual 'dirty, dog acts' that taggers and opposition players do to him. The fact that he doesn't flip out more often suprises me. Maybe he should let it out more often in smaller doses rather than these extremes.
As far as Wellingham's bump being a 'good thing' have to be kidding! In what way is that ever a good thing!?
And to judge or label a club based on one man's actions is ludicrous!
- SOS#1 - 150 months ago |
• They were both gutless dog acts. No point denying it. - Phi Eagle - 150 months ago |
• Mate - you are the one saying Chris Judd "tugged" on his arm. Every other person that isn't at Carlton and actually has a brain (unlike yourself) sees that he - on purpose - twisted his arm so the wrong way so that it dislocated while his team mate was holding him down. That is far more cowardly. That's Carlton captain - as far as I'm concerned, Wellingham is champion for breaking the jaw of one of your precious fvckwit. Carltons shower has gone on long enough, I'm don't give shower any more - Cheating, Tanking, dirty sh!t like this. I hope they all get broken jaws soon. And I hope Brock fvcks all their mothers and gives them aids. (in his words) - S_Coach99 - 150 months ago |
• Wow mate, you are a dead set flowerwit. Wellingham lined up some bloke who had no idea he was coming and broke his jaw. Was Lloyd's hit on Sewell a tough bump too? Moron. That's as cowardly as it gets. There are some genuine idiots on this website. - mrpotato - 150 months ago |
• wellingham' was a tough hit, Judds was a gutless twist of the arm that left the bloke with a dislocated shoulder - you moron. Wellingham is a legend for smashing a pathetic Carlton knob - they all deserve it - dirty fvcks. - S_Coach99 - 150 months ago |
• lol he tugged on someones arm. cry more. Did you lose respect for wellingham after his pathetic bump? So many idiots comment on football these days - mrpotato - 150 months ago |
• Wow. Dirtiest player in the afl. Lost massive respect for Juddy after that low dog effort. - djmckf - 150 months ago |
• Filthy Maggot - Captain of the most pathetic club going around. Eye gouging and now trying to rip peoples arms out while his maggot team mate holds him down. Poor form. - S_Coach99 - 150 months ago |
• Scott Selwood' Bitch - S_Coach99 - 151 months ago |
• Should probably have stayed at West Coast, may have won a couple of extra flags..not as rich I suppose..oh snap! - djmckf - 151 months ago |
• just cancelled my sportsbet account, I hate spam. - S_Coach99 - 153 months ago |
• No, we won't be. - Turkies - 155 months ago |
• Haha sure sure. - snowman123 - 158 months ago |