teachrtony: Pretty sure Doedee is not playing Monty.
Ooost: Laird not in the mid 🙁
Thomas1234: Anybody passing on neales vc and going macrae
Water: afternoon lads, Macrae, Bont and Mcpherson in this one
Ooost: Laid in defense 🙁
scboy123: C on Macrae, Bazlenka, McPherson for me lads
scboy123: Praying caleb daniel gets donuts
BigChief: A few names missing from both lists
Ooost: C on J Mac I’ve already won so might as well go for points
Raspel31: Damn- Macrae off to a slow start- wanted 50 by now.
Bluebagg11: Thomas yep! Hopefully pays off!!
Raspel31: I did Thomas as the loop was too risky.
BigChief: I can see Crows winning this, just to annoy Doggies
Apachecats: Macrae (C) ,Bont and English for me.
DrSeuss: Laird playing back consistently? Or rotating through mid as well?
Ooost: playing mid
The Hawker: Laird on fire in the mids, got the CAPTAIN on him
DrSeuss: Cheers Oost
Tangent: Go crom!
BigChief: WTF is Dunkley rucking for?
FinlaySON: Apache who is the pin going on today? hoping for a hatrick
BOMBRBLITZ: Cavarra his risen from the dead
Water: finlaySON u traitor did u really switch to GOLD COAST or are u taking the pi55
Apachecats: Patience FinlaySON ,late 2nd quarter.
Thomas1234: ffs macrae sitting up foward
cmperrfect: How about Laird @apache for NTP?
CozzieCan: This is going to be a carving by the dogs , see you guys next game
FinlaySON: @water no mate, was testing the colour scheme’s and forgot to change it back!
Apachecats: 3 wins give you life membership FinlaySON ,5 wins give you hall of Fame stautus.
tdarian: macrae will be fine. he’s back in the guts
Tangent: The TV is off.
Water: okay good good u scared me
dipstick: Good start from SpeakerNo
FinlaySON: I can’t wait to get hall of fame status then Apache
BigChief: Okay maybe the Crows can’t beat Doggies LOL
The Hawker: This is a murder
cmperrfect: Let it bounce through Naughton you hungry flog
hokkien34: Bailey smith always gets ripped off in SC I reckon
Water: bailey smith has attended nearly all of these Centre bounces so far, for those that own him u should be happy
Rathain84: Naughton pipped Macrae’s goal >:(
DrSeuss: Why did you say Laird was on fire? Done nothing since.
FinlaySON: there is no way I could stop supporting the most exciting list in the competition with the best power forward
CozzieCan: Bulldogs 100 before the start of the 4th qtr
Nuffman: Crows looking like a 0-17 season
DrSeuss: Probably should have kept Bailey Smith knowing he was playing Adelaide
BigChief: Very soft free kick
MercAm: How many people have Macrae for C
BigChief: @FinlaySON then why do you have a GWS icon? 😛
CozzieCan: @Chief Adelaide need all the help they can get for some confidence
GroupOne: Macrae for C
Grimes Jr: me @merc
Apachecats: yep Merc
Raspel31: Mercan I do- fingers crossed.
Thomas1234: yessir merc
Mustardish: no merc took it off him and took neales VC
Apachecats: lol BigChief.
zadolinnyj: Yep
tdarian: me merc
Nuffman: Don’t have Macrae….
MercAm: @must looking like the smart one right now…
thommoae: Dogs have started fast in the past then wilted. Running out games has been something of a problem?
tdarian: crows looking much more potent with sloane back
The Hawker: Turn your TV back on crows fans
Apachecats: Macrae very tidy figures ,happy.
tdarian: wow the bont is on fire
shaker: Nice little fightback by the Crows
Water: bont Superman
tdarian: he is in for a big day
Bezzina: Bont is on a mission
MercAm: Wp Bont then, just a dog with a bone there
Apachecats: 10 goals ,long quarter.
cmperrfect: Bont for NTP @apache
pjw1234: higgins to bont swap looking ok again
Grimes Jr: Bont, macrae, smith mcpherson for me in this one
Ooost: Bont stealing Macs points, fuck off Bont!
DrSeuss: Traded in Laird and Zorko this week. Batting at 50% right now. Pick it up Laird
Apachecats: late 2nd quarter cmp.patience.
Apachecats: 138/3 at 1/4 time.Take that any day.
ElstyBoy: surely even 70 is unders for Bont atm, 10@80%, 6 Clr, 4 tackles a goal, 4SI and 3 1%ers
MercAm: Far out had Mackay and decided not to loop him for Sholl ahhhhh
scboy123: well not the first quarter i was after lol
srj2409: Scho 5 for 11 wow.
zadolinnyj: my sc predicted score is 2447. big scores this week
MercAm: Mean I he Mackay from NM
cmperrfect: A Cape for Naughton when one goal was a Joe The Goose? Cmon m0nty
Apachecats: 2447 still very nice zado. I would dream of that atm.
zadolinnyj: Rules are 3 goals equals cape
SC-STAR–: Apache me too not a great season for me
zadolinnyj: Ill get 1900 now I wrote that
cmperrfect: I’d argue Bonts 1st qtr was better than Naughtons for sure
biggs2dujj: Bont cracking 220+
bhg26: 2380 for me after Walters, Brayshaw and Simpson stuffed me
zadolinnyj: Over 50sc should have got a cape also
Yelse: bont needs to slow down trust my opponent to have him today
Snarfy: C’mon Bont, give Macrae a turn.
wadaramus: About time Nicks put some heat on the Bont surely?
DrSeuss: How many tackles did Laird get last week? 0 so far this week.
cmperrfect: Highly doubt McCrae will get his proj of 163 today
wadaramus: Fifty DT for cape.
heppelitis: my pred sc ore is 2519…also an extra 70 will be added as cripps on bench not counted yet
Nuffman: i think it’s over 40 in a qtr in the shorter games. i think
Raspel31: Hmm- brought in Lyons instead of the Bont- not complaining but eek.
Cottees: Legit. the first time this year my opponent has bont and he is stealing my macraes points
Apachecats: well done Bomber Heppel
amigaman: HTB rule is stuffed
zadolinnyj: Wow heppl
Nuffman: does Naughton get the target icon yet?
Raspel31: Macrae caps starting to fidget? I am.
kascadev8: macrae, i have the C on you, work yourself into it mate
heppelitis: yeah i got capt on him so need him to make a move
Raspel31: Hepps- a guy in my league predicted to break 2600. I am a mere 2400. Good work lad.
Breezey: Macrae can stay right where he is thanks very much
zadolinnyj: Showerberg showing he is getting more comfy at the level
Apachecats: getting a bit edgy rasp.
CozzieCan: Bont having a day out
DrSeuss: Ok Laird – get back on the ground. Who else traded Bailey smith away this week?
Napper: I have given up this week in supercoach hardly looked at any score. Gave up when Gawn and D smith are out
Nuffman: there it is! now watch him miss every shot from now on lol
srj2409: Yet here u r Napper. Jog along.
kascadev8: cripps made my score recover a little, relying on dusty and short to have a field day against GC, same with aarts
heppelitis: theres one in my league2569…if he cat mcrae he would be 2650 lol
BigChief: Really srj? that wasn’t called for.
ScootD: These HTB calls are disgraceful
kascadev8: im looking at a 2.3k now lol, i think thats about a par score depending on what people did with gawn/draper
srj2409: Hahahahaha playing this 60 man and he can’t goal from 10m out. Just play the kids
softwhitee: yep, was too greedy going for macrae
srj2409: Bc yeah it was
srj2409: Macrae very ordinary today
Apachecats: The moron that was on here yesterday must have been banned.
heppelitis: I was going to loop neale…but missus made me srub floor and missed the start of this lol
tdarian: dont give up on macrae yet. he will pick it up. macrae against the bottom team was the right call at the time
SC-STAR–: Who apache
Apachecats: Nearest the pin is on Macrae .Apache goes 133 and hoping.
Raspel31: No, still here Apache.
kascadev8: rivers was my only option to take neale’s score
BigChief: Which 1 @Apache? There was 2 or 3 of them
Crave: Macrae hasn’t done much and is on 46, don’t panic yet
Nuffman: I copped one last night also Apache :’-(
bhg26: 129 Apache
Cottees: 138 Macare
BigChief: 111 for Macrae Apache
DrSeuss: Worst tradie in of the year so far – Rory Laird…sucked me in
zadolinnyj: Bont has his own exclusion zone around him. Nobody going near him
Cabri44: 125 please Apache
cmperrfect: Was hoping for a POD NTP for a change @Apache
Bart Man: I’ll take 114 for macrae thanks @apache
MercAm: regretting the macrae c now…
srj2409: Oh just stop bont
Water: Ill go 114 for macrae please apache
Apachecats: Can’t remember his tag SC Star but others will know who I an talking about.
softwhitee: 120 for macrae
FinlaySON: 121 for Macrae thanks Apache, here’s hoping for 3 in a row
tdarian: 130 macrae please
Raspel31: When Draper came in – no loop so had to stick with Macrae. 128 for me Apache.
Bluebagg11: 135 for Macrae
kascadev8: @Apachecats 1 was Woodie22
The39Steps: @apache macrae 103 please.
SC-STAR–: 112 Apache
MercAm: 122 Macrae
adgbubba: 137 for Macrae
kascadev8: can i have the closest availableto a 109 for macrae, idk whats been taken
zadolinnyj: 138 for me
Phasir: 98 for Macrae 🙂
Raspel31: That’s cheating kasca.
dipstick: @kasca good luck with Hoof having a field day out
AuroraBore: 140 for Macrae
StuL: Too many sc dogs. They cant all go big every week. Smith useless until i get rid of him
satch7: Macrae 88
Grimes Jr: 137 for Macrae
Tangent: 119 for me please @Apache
cmperrfect: 111 for McCrae please @apache
pjw1234: macrae 100 thanks
Apachecats: Bingo kasca that was it ,109 yours.
Haydo: 133 for Macrae
CozzieCan: Bont is back
DrSeuss: Damn Laird’s TOG is horrible
kascadev8: @Raspel is it? ill take a 109 then, didnt know it was cheating, sorry
NugzNiggle: Nice work Scholl.
cmperrfect: Don’t worry Stul
Ooost: Laird will be fine
boxy36: I’ll go a 117 please Apache
cmperrfect: Smith might do a Cripps and disappear in the second half
Apachecats: NTP closes end of 1/2 time.
MercAm: @apa did I get 122 for macrae?
Apachecats: lol Rasp it wasn’t you ,it was a different moron.
Tangent: What does NTP stand for? lol
ajconodie: 129 for Macrae
ajconodie: @Tangent – No Tangent Playing
srj2409: Network time protocol
kascadev8: bazlenka on 72 wow
Pies20: 128 Apache
Apachecats: Not Taking Prisoners.
Tangent: haha, you flogs!
Apachecats: Merc Am 122 confirmed.
Pies20: the 1 week my opponent has bont like me and he’s smashing it it’s usually bont my pod and he’s average
Raspel31: Thanks Apache- I think.
ajconodie: @Tangent – Lol it stands for Nearest To Pin.
BigChief: @Apache maybe he was “switched” off or just changed names.
BigChief: Doesn’t it stand for Nearest The Point?
Tangent: Thanks @ajconodie
Raspel31: In the name of democracy I’m setting up a breakaway comp- NTP for Talia.
Apachecats: Hopefully permanantly swithced off.BC
Apachecats: Its from Golf ,Nearest the Pin gets a prize on certain holes.
js19: Hey all. Public Service announcement: McPherson out for the game – hamstring…
Apachecats: You’ll live to regret it rasp ,I nearly up to a spreadsheet doing this.
Raspel31: Ah, but you meant it Apache. I didn’t.
Grimes Jr: fuck me, i traded out hill this week over mcpherson and mckay and fielded mcpherson
SC-STAR–: what happend to mcpherson
Apachecats: I’m waiting for Himmelburg to be out so I can say “oh the humanity”
scboy123: Are. You. Taking. The. Piss. McPherson injured. nup im out laters lads
kascadev8: sholl start moving, ur there to make cash for me
Poliyagon: fuck off with McPherson. Opponent has Bont. C on macrae. this games gonna cost me my season
heppelitis: nice start skipper…tag on the bont
Grimes Jr: good afternoon, jackson
Bluebagg11: Great start Macca!! Let’s gooo!!
Apachecats: Poly whats your NTP for Macrae ,haven’t got u yet.
kascadev8: macraes points not updated?? thought ht was on 54 at half time
TheLegend6: Great day to put the C on Bont!
scboy123: when u trade out starc who drops like 98 and start mcpherson who cant even play half the game. great season aye
Poliyagon: i wish 150 but i’ll say 112 if its not taken?
Grimes Jr: nothing updating
navy_blues: GOD has C on Bont lol
Cottees: anyone elses scores not updating since half time?
kascadev8: i started the year with bont, but he was awful so traded out, bro im so stupid
kascadev8: yeh cottees
Apachecats: Poly 112 ,you came equal first in the Petracca one yesterday.
Gandhi: CD went for a beer during half time and didn’t get back in time
Water: yeh scores frozen for me too
Haydo: Naughton 4 kicks 4 goals
Crave: Bont was always going to pick up, too good not to
srj2409: No scores are working fine. Macca up to 69
Cottees: mine are not updating 🙁
heppelitis: m0nty bathing the kids again
lukefield9: Yeah it seems the AFL website’s scores are down, most likely a CD issue
Silz90: What happened to McPherson ffs. I got will on bench and can’t even loop him
Apachecats: NTP closed.28 entries range 88 -140.
Cottees: Macrae is on 54 for me
Poliyagon: oh sweet do what do I win!
Donzoes: Funny how the week people trade out B Smith, he looks great
srj2409: Network time protocol is close
srj2409: That’s gonna cause worldwide issues
Cabri44: AFL website shwoing as half time still
Apachecats: A fantasy Tshirt Poly ,win it 3 times and you can keep it.
Cottees: finally starting to update and catch up for me
Cottees: and frozen again ffs
kascadev8: macrae likes the number 54, i might have to too
Cottees: we back yay!
Apachecats: It’ll be the Chinese embassy for sure.
srj2409: Macrae injured lol
SC-STAR–: macrae 72
Thomas1234: Macrae is injured
kascadev8: macrae with a corky, this is fun 🙂
Grimes Jr: nah macrae is fine, just a little corky
Raspel31: Yep Apache- monitored Chines and N Korean interference- my people are working on it.
Cottees: and there goes my 2500 proj score
srj2409: He’s ok just a corky
Water: macrae not injured he got a corkie relax
Bluebagg11: Macca corky FMSC
Nuffman: macrae looked ok kicking that ball?
Cottees: Macrae please get going more!@
Ash777: how many frees has the female ump given to adelaide this time?
Apachecats: satch7 could be your lucky day ,you must have known something.
kascadev8: macrae just went from 85 to 74:/ pls explain
duckky: FFS – McPherson down now! I need 50 trades this year
BigChief: @Ash it wouldn’t matter as Crows are terrible
srj2409: how many frees has the male imo given to Adelaide this time?
Grimes Jr: liam baker will be the next calm daniel
Poliyagon: Corky’s aren’t fun. He’s just lost his ability to run hard
cmperrfect: Need serious seagulling McCrae
Raspel31: Crows definitely the best team in the comp not to win a game this year.
JCal66: Agreed Grimes Jr, there is a lot to like about Baker
cmperrfect: Eleni enjoying the QLD hub, working on the tan
MercAm: Wow what a quarter Smith it having
Thomas1234: The c on macrae has ruined my week
Ash777: Like baker too but not sure he’d be like daniel. Probably more like Laird.
DrSeuss: Laird gone back and teammates can’t hit the side of a barn with a kick or handball
Raspel31: Have to run out a corkie- hopefully Macrae not taken off- pleez?
Grimes Jr: Ash, he is as clean as daniel
TheLegend6: yes bont
kascadev8: macrae to get a 60 point last quarter to beat neale
beerent11: How many
DrSeuss: Bailey Smith – nice that you remember how to play football after I trade you. Or maybe just cause you are playing Crows?
beerent11: Anyone trade out baz?
Hawks_13: looks like bontempelli is set for a big last quarter
Cottees: I had to trade out Wingard before Smith and thank god I did!
pcaman2003: Crows need a clean out and a new coach.
BumSniff: Cavarra looking like he could’ve been a better on field option than Brayshaw this week
Poliyagon: look macrae I’ll be happy if u equal neale just dont cock me
zadolinnyj: kelly not a good enough defender
Grimes Jr: dogs will go hard last quarter, they need the percentage.
satch7: Bont for 220
BumSniff: How did McPherson get injured
TheLegend6: Bont should go close to the 200 here
Breezey: The Crows have a new coach @ Pcaman.
Ash777: First year coach. Give him time.
beerent11: Dogs mids will be lottery from here on
wilaj: I traded out Bailey Smith for Brayshaw. Big mistake
Raspel31: If you have both Neale and Macrae not a disaster Polly- dropping 50? Pick it up elsewhere.
kascadev8: if macrae can go within 5 of neale ill take it, just need dusty aarts and short to lift then
Stu7: Cone on Macrae
StuL: Got donuts from Smith when i owned him. Then traded, so this. This is still the exception.
VodkaHawk: Game is won, just rest Bont
dipstick: How could you not take Neale’s VC? After all these years people still greedy for 5 extra points
Beast_Mode: who was the muppet that put the c on laird lol
Thomas1234: I’ll be happy if macrae can hit 115+
kascadev8: @dipstick by not having loop options? or the loop option has already played, or forgetting
Cottees: didnt take neales vc cause I couldn’t as Shoenberg was named
Water: I didnt take Neale’s VC and went Grundy, very happy
Grimes Jr: dipstick, its not a regular year, easier to score higher
navy_blues: me too water
Crave: I didn’t take Neale’s VC coz I’m a greedy idiot
dipstick: You must have pretty full teams if you don’t have 1 player to loop from 6 games.
Raspel31: Some had their loop destroyed by late ins dipstick- we don’t all have your prescience.
Ooost: I didnt take Neale’s VC because I’m a greedy idiot too
Nuffman: Naughton’s statline reads like an early 90’s FF. love it
Raspel31: Some poor sod got stuffed by looping in Xerri- ergo I rest my case. But, Rather amusing.
kascadev8: @dipstick i took conroy out to get money off draper as an r3, and most of my rookies are playing, a couple b4 brisbane
Ash777: double ton on for bont.
exatekk: we want witches hats
Tangent: This hurts.
Grimes Jr: macrae on the fucking bench ffs
Yelse: Macrea score today shows not to risk C as neale was good enough
MoreMidTim: Bont had a crazy start to this qtr but only 24 points
FlyinRyan2: and i thought collingwood was bad
StuL: Laird in the middle finally
kascadev8: @Yelse end of last year i risked grundys big score, gawn got 212 so as C he got me 414, thought id try again
cmperrfect: 130+ is the tried and true VC rule, take it when you can.
StuL: I risked Neale because i was losing. So losing more now probably
pcaman2003: Damn you Laird. 3 disposals this wtr and scoring backwards. Smarten up!
Yelse: at least pies have an excuse with injuries crows not really
cwall66: Smith Carving up! Finally
Raspel31: Cap can be overrated- you have both Neale and Macrae and you cap Neale- your net loss is 25 points.
DrSeuss: Traded out Smith, brought in Laird. At least I got Zorko in as well.
dipstick: Does GOD know if he put C on Bony. Or is it C on Hawkins
kascadev8: good morning macrae
pcaman2003: Surprised Smith not being tagged. Running riot and destroying the Crows.
Sugartits: Welcome to my team bazlenza
FlyinRyan2: hate how i had brayshaw and laird and when people bring them in they just go terrible
Catatafish: Get off the fucking bench Laird
pcaman2003: That’s better Laird. More please.
kascadev8: macrae got a FF then his score went backwards, lol
Poliyagon: pls 130 macrae
Ooost: J Mac might be okay
beerent11: Far out you blokes are so reactive. One good or bad score and it’s all over.
DrSeuss: See if Smith can do this again though. It is Adelaide.
TheLegend6: @beerent bunch of kids in here I think
zadolinnyj: Want to see Mackay and Harriman’s out and youngsters in
Beast_Mode: FF has turned into a bunch of sooks and complainers lol
Raspel31: Obsession with caps- if you capped Neale ahead of Macrae- you have lost 18 points- and game not over yet.
kascadev8: i like how my pod’s have been bad but every pod my opponent has, is playing well haha
pcaman2003: Opponent has Smith and I have Laird. Not a happy chappy.
StuL: Smith will be back to useless next week. Look at Laird
Migz: caps are the worst thing about SC anyway. Doesn’t add anything good.
TheLegend6: Is there much scaling?
beerent11: Feels like baz is sending bev a message
Apachecats: Hat trick on the cards
boxy36: Didn’t see this score coming from Baz! I’m gonna say it now, watch Ben Keays next year – looks solid
Tangent: Surley crows get a priority pick.
Apachecats: Wont be much legend
BigChief: @Raspel what are you on about? Neale got 134 and Macrae has 111 currently. That’s +23 without double for Neale
Crave: about 200 points to give i think
88360: What so you mean about caps? Lol traded out Smith this week
boxy36: The doggies midfield is just so good to watch – albeit against the crows
circle52: Total SC points should add to 3300 so at the moment about 200
BigChief: @Tangent why would they get a priority pick? Because they finished last?
Raspel31: BigChief- do the math- you double Neale’s score but you also double Macrae’s score- comes down to nothing.
cogs94: @raspel when points are doubled, the difference is doubled. Not sure what you are getting at..
AuroraBore: Bont defs scaling to 200+
pcaman2003: Well! That was pretty shower for my SC round.
kano: priority pick…turn it up !
Apachecats: Chinese again rasp ,take care of it.
SC-STAR–: what happened to the scores
scboy123: Raspel that means you double the difference making it a difference of 46. that can be an entire player thats had a shock
srj2409: Melb came bottom two five years in a row and had their priority pick application denied
hokkien34: Wtf just happened to SC scores lol
kascadev8: 54 for macrae ill take
Str1k3_M95: lmfao look at the SC Scores
Tangent: @BigChief after next season we will get a priority pick is what I meant…
BigChief: Hahaha all scores just halved.
amigaman: OH CD has lost it completely
Raspel31: My point being if you have them both BigChief- Bont is another question.
Haydo: it’s only 20 odd points different between Neale and Macrae captain
Napper: Only 99 points for 33 possesions and two goals poor Bont haha
satch7: You’re wrong cogs94
MercAm: Ummmm, yep that looks about right
MercAm: CD got some big scalling to do
BigChief: @Raspel I will take the +38 for Neale as C thanks
scboy123: whats happened to the sc scores lol
circle52: Explaining the argument using Maths and based on Macrae getting 115 Neale as C 383 Macrae as Captain 364 Difference 19
circle52: CD has crashed completely
Raspel31: But it’s not plus 38 if you habe both BigChief- sigh.
Raspel31: Thank you circle x
Bluebagg11: It’s only +19 chiefy boy. This argument has been had
BigChief: I see what you mean now @Raspel, but I will still take the +19.
BigChief: @Bluebagg what argument? We were having a discussion.
Haydo: If you have both then you can take both scores: 118 and 134 then add the captains score again: you either get 2 x 118 +
Haydo: 134 or 1 x 118 + 2 x 134 the only difference is the difference in their score not double it