9inch: Go big Gawny and Oliver.
LMartos: Big decision for skipper, Fyfe, Adams, Dusty, Bont or Doch
LMartos: Big Gawn snag early
Apachecats: Fyfe @LMartos
poolboybob: Finally put shaw on the bench so look for him to have a big game
LMartos: what it’s currently on
9inch: Decided on Doch for Capt. Seems safest bet and due a big one. Scores well at MCG
Beast_Mode: c on mitchell but vc on fyfe
OllieC: gawn VC looking good early!
The39Steps: How long before we see the Red Cross alongside B. Deledio?
duckky: Williams looking sad early
feralmong: dusty or titch for capt. neither will have a run with for long.
Raspel31: Agree-it’s a problemo feral.
Haydo: carn vc kelly
feralmong: 9inch tempted me though.
feralmong: reckon doch will have lots forward pressure today. so held off.
Raspel31: Got all the mentioned feral-I’m rolloing with Titch.
StuL: yea ok. should have got gawn. doh. I half expect him to break tho too.
feralmong: mummy will hurt him at some stage StuL.
Haydo: have 3 players in this game, so far lowest is 38 so good signs
The39Steps: Is there a big wind blowing to the giants end?
feralmong: mummy ate 20 snags the wind is coming from him.
dipstick: whats with oliver? has he recovered from that vicious blow he copped a month ago?
MONEY TALK: ;puts vc oliver then bang oppo brings in gawn then bang
Ladbrokes_: Love you forever gawny
MONEY TALK: wait a second when did GWS kick those goals
MONEY TALK: y must u do this to me gawn i wanted u but had two outs and 1 trade dam u witts and cameron
original: watch fellas. Shaw will somehow be on 25 sc come full time
poolboybob: Witts to Gawn looking sweet so far
StuL: Damn it, gawny.
JRedden: did hibberd die?
Ladbrokes_: Shaw with a world-beating 8 sc that quarter
Beast_Mode: anyone who still has shaw is a muppet anyway
original: bench cover beast_mode, but why not loophole him on
9inch: Gawn Hibberd and Oliver. Very happy 🙂
Haydo: gawn hibberd and kelly even happier 9inch
MattyZ: Bernie vince in a keeper final being very helpful
Haydo: raise the bat gawny
Ben_Gogos: Muppet alert! Whitfield misses a regulation set shot from close range.
JButcher: Come on N.Jones lift!!
AngryRyno: J. Kelly 3 Votes
LMartos: Gawnyy haahahaha
StuL: Gawn centre clearance after tap to himself. Then smashed by mummy.
LMartos: how did the umpire not give Gawn a free there?? that’s a week for Mumford at least
Haydo: yes gawn, good kelly lift hibbo
arbel: mumford is such a dirty hack. always going in like that … so dangerous
StuL: Nice week off for Mummy.
dipstick: mummy always trying to break bones yet danger gets a week for a strong tackle
pcaman2003: Score for Mummy doesn’t seem to match his stats,but that’s SC i guess
Haydo: is gawn ok, has the bandaid
LMartos: he’s fine
original: cmon wardy keep going
Haydo: thanks lmartos
Sloaneyyyy: just logged on, awesome, I brought J.Kelly and Gawn in for Dangerfield and Witts this week – nice =)
Blaircam: I really need Kelly to put it back in the rack now. My opponent has his as C
original: cmon ward and hibberd 100 both plz
LuvIt74: Gr8 day to trade darcy to gawn
BestCoast: Love you Work Mr Gawn
JRedden: come on finish strong hibberd
Tommo2909: Thought about VC options this week and look at Big Maxy and thought nah he won’t go massive against Mummy and the Giants
duckky: Go Williams
Haydo: come on kelly get going
StuL: Ryder will get 80 now i chose him.over gawn. Guaranteed.
feralmong: hehe same here Stu.
Gotigres: Wow. Just got home. Nice one Gawn. Glad i benched you Shaw.
Tommo2909: Ton up Hibberd