Gotigres: Masterstroke by me getting Dusty in this week, even if i do say so myself
Apachecats: Pretty expensive donut eh GoTigres ?
feralmong: if we don’t get off to flyer i’m gonna be a little concerned today.
Raspel31: That time when it’s hasta la vista or see you next week gents. Go Cripps!
theoc: Need Prestia and Houli to go big
Gotigres: Will get Hately’s score Apachecats
Raspel31: Dons were robbed last night- had it in the bag.
theoc: Umpiring gave dogs the win tbh
feralmong: that’s it rasp, chin up.
DrSeuss: Ok Simmo – need you to beat Curnow. Newman you can stay low too please
CozzieCan: J.ross minus 8? Lmao
Raspel31: Lol feral.
Tig-Train: Yeh Raspel… the umpires cost north the win also
TheLegend6: This is Jack Graham type of weather
Raspel31: Oh Cripps- do or die. Don’t disappear young fellow.
theoc: Cripps copped a tag or just slow start?
BigChief: No push in the back to Curnow?
TheLegend6: SC season done. Parker, Boak and Walters left me out to dry this weekend, Cripps nail in coffin
pcaman2003: Raspel. Can’t help you on this one. Opp has Cripps and Stack for me.
Raspel31: Ha pcaman- they are my only 2 players in this game. But you kept Fyfe to 40 2nd half- cheers lad.
pcaman2003: And kept Walters to 6pts 2nd half. That doll is a beaut.
Raspel31: Don’t you dare use it against Cripps pcaman or a beautiful friendship ends abrupyly.
pcaman2003: @Hahaha! It’s all business now.
frenzy: Lol Rasp. abrpyly
Raspel31: Burp fenzy.
frenzy: you drowning ya sorrows
Raspel31: A nice bottle of coonawarra shiraz is helping my mood frenzy.
BigChief: Fuck off that was deliberate.
TheLegend6: It was out on the full anyway
pcaman2003: I’m into the heavier stuff. Whisky and dry for me. Out in straight sets so drowning my sorrows.
Raspel31: So, who has been left with rookies. Me Roxee- but 119- I’ll take that- noice. And Stack- not so sure.
Raspel31: Rozee.
pcaman2003: Stack and Petrucelle.
TheLegend6: I’ve got Chol but about 410K with 2 trades left so I’ll go him out this week
Chelskiman: Graham is such a beast.
TheLegend6: Jack!
Chelskiman: Cape for Graham!
Grimes Jr: that spell in the twos did jacky graham good
Raspel31: Did any of you guys nick my cigarette papers? Keep going Crippsy.
BigChief: Maybe Legend, but still not the correct call of deliberate.
feralmong: So with Caracella leaving who’s a good mid coach we can get.
BigChief: B. Scott is available feral 🙂
Pokerface: Bolton is available feral 🙂
frenzy: Voss feral 🙂
pcaman2003: Who on here is still in the finals race?
Apachecats: Only in draft for me PCA.
BRAZZERS: yep still smashing it
pcaman2003: @Apache. R U liking draft? As good as SC?
BRAZZERS: lol 2 phones not happy
Apachecats: No ,classic SC is my big gp ,but had a Barry Crocker of a year
BigChief: McGovern looks finished.
Apachecats: Draft is OK ,but you get a lot of abandoned teams.
TheLegend6: Could’ve sworn I saw the goalpost slightly move there?
pcaman2003: Bad year here too. Last 3 weeks of injuries really killed me off.
BigChief: Ok McGovern not done, just lazy LOL
Raspel31: Playing one of them today Apache- might even win.
DrSeuss: Come on Simmo – catch up with Curnow
pcaman2003: Still here Raspel? Thought you drowned in your Koonawarra shiraz.
Raspel31: Dozed off for a mo pcaman- too much Epl- still here lad.
TheLegend6: Be nice if we could actually blow a game out, instead of letting teams back in it
intergaze: Can’t ask too much when 3 of your 4 best players are missing!
TheLegend6: Shocking HTB call on Prestia
pcaman2003: Glad I didn’t need to rely on Stack in my finals. Under-performing today
Chelskiman: I know, Legend. We should be 40-50 points up yet it’s probably going to be under 4 goals at 3/4 time.
DrSeuss: Keep going Kade – junk it up like old times
redwallis: how to red for ed
theoc: I need a 30+ point win for my bet pls Tiges.
Raspel31: Will Stack hit 38- fingers crossed.
TheLegend6: There you go Rasp
BRAZZERS: intergaze u muppet lol
Raspel31: That one point might make all the difference Legend.
theoc: Another goal would be great
TheLegend6: Graham with pretty much the perfect game
Raspel31: Dusty quiet today.
Tangent: Hey guys, been using this site for some months now. Thought I would make an account.
TheLegend6: Thats dumb ffs
CozzieCan: Gday tangent welcome mate
pcaman2003: Too busy with the chopsticks Raspel.
BestCoast: Tangent welcome to the house of fun lol
Raspel31: Forgot he loved Chopin pcaman.
pcaman2003: Better late than never Tangent. Enjoy!
TheLegend6: Thats shocking
DrSeuss: Keep going Simmo put on another 20
redwallis: smh at mcgovern
Raspel31: Mr Cripps- you are formally inducted into the Aspel family. Thanks to you we live to fight another day.
pcaman2003: Onya Raspel and anyone else who’s made it through to next week.
Raspel31: Mr Stack- we’re putting you up for adoption.
TheLegend6: Graham with the triple double!
Raspel31: Skin of my teeth pcaman.
pcaman2003: You’re kind. I was going to put him down.
BRAZZERS: lmao siren beofre that mark
BRAZZERS: lol you muppet it would be a triple triple
Ash777: should of put the C on cripps or Macrae