Excel Players List

Started by LordSneeze, December 12, 2017, 06:56:08 PM

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Hi All

I had a bit of time to spare last night so did some data mining and pulled together a players list with Team, 17 games, Average, Bye.
If I get really bored I might do stats too, but doubt it, more likely ill put in some note sections, watchlists. Feel free to use it if you wish, just export or make a copy and you will be good to go.



Thanks LS.   Where do you the get data feed?   


Quote from: crowls on December 13, 2017, 09:51:46 AM
Thanks LS.   Where do you the get data feed?

Its coming out of the team picker. I had to do some cleanup work to make it useful, but it makes it much better IMO than just looking at it on the team picker website. This way you can make note on players etc rather than just sit them in your team.


Excellent work LS - much easier to find players, now just got to get the right ones
