AXVs: Official Discussion Thread

Started by Colliwobblers, August 23, 2012, 01:44:14 AM

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Managers of:
Mongolian Lambs
Laos Elephants
UAE Tigers
Sri Lankan Strikers
Australian Ales
Kathmandu Eskimos
Bangladesh Bears
Kuala Lumpar Crocodiles

Hope to see you all here for the live draw of the 2016 Champions League groups. Starts 25th June 8:30pm AEST
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Quote from: JBs-Hawks on June 19, 2016, 05:32:02 PM
Or it doesnt matter if the Hawks were playing Essendon or Geelong as I outscore you more weeks then not  ::)
Clearly you were confident and sure why not, your team is good. But so is mine!

So to actually make that loser Captain proves how good you think you are (Fact it was against the Bombers proves you cheated) But. That raises another point. If a team can afford to Captain a key forward over any mid, maybe that team is at it's prime!

So who or what is there to stop this or these teams from gaining further ground on those struggling teams .....

Without a cap on top end, who could ever hope to defeat such a strong and mighty team ?

I am not having a crack at those top teams but, will those at the top be able to keep getting better and better and better and better and better and better .............   until someone like me says, when is enough, too good for anyone else ever to compete with?


Just shut up and stop being a sore loser and change your DP

T Dog

Scores and ladders for rd14 will be done Tuesday.   ;D

T Dog

Team and match threads done....late. Sorry coaches just an oversight   :-[

T Dog

Has anyone heard from Memph.? The Dolphins coach has not been active lately.


Quote from: T Dog on August 01, 2016, 10:32:59 AM
Has anyone heard from Memph.? The Dolphins coach has not been active lately.
Nope. Hasn't been active since July 10th I believe. In SC Americas, we're unfortunately already taking precautions in case we don't hear from him in the near future.


Stanton just signed on for 2017, great news for Mongolia  ;D



Also looking to get involved with AXV again if anyone is looking for an assistant.


Quote from: Koop on August 17, 2016, 10:58:36 PM
Also looking to get involved with AXV again if anyone is looking for an assistant.
You can join Dave and myself at Laos if you want. Home of great bantz, memes and hopefully a premiership soon enough.  :P


Shameless advertising

We currently have 2 vacant coaching positions in the british XV's.  Information can be found in this thread,,108009.0.html


Awards night will be next Wednesday Night 14th of September


Can we have an official draft order please because we can't go out trading until we know what it actually is. Even the one trade made so far is based on the assumption that some teams are getting priority picks so it really should be done ASAP...
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126
