Started by ossie85, March 15, 2013, 12:40:26 PM

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Now it's time to get serious and settle on a final team


6 more sleeps, best of luck to all. Thanks again ossie your a star.


Quote from: nostradamus on March 16, 2013, 12:30:43 PM
Now it's time to get serious and settle on a final team

Can't do that tho can we until we make a call on BURGER.... in - out - out - in - out - bench - in - out - bench - in - out - ? ? ? ???


Bring it on I had a shocking year in SC last year so I'm hoping for a lot better this year.

T Dog


Ossie, you are a star.

How can I ever kick my decade old Supercoach addiction when you present the world so comprehensively!

Lets get ready to rumble all. Exciting times, and no tedious three round wait until it all counts.




My Chumps

Looking to improve on 6th of 72 last year.

Good work Oss!



Great work Os, thanks heaps mate, can't wait



Great work Oz!! 2013 is going to be an ultra competitive Elxam!!


The Round 1 Fixture!

Leagues v Leagues! How does it work?
- 18 matches
- 4 points per win
- 4 points for the league that scores the most
- 4 points for the highest score by a team
- 4 points for the biggest margin
- Lose 3 points for the lowest score by a team
- Total: 81 points available

Round 1 Fixture

Champions   versus   Fanatics
CFC 1979   v   bunyip
CrowsFan   v   Colliwobblers
Cruiseon   v   coolfugitiv0
enzedder   v   Fletch74
fever   v   Grazz
GoldDigger   v   Jayman
Holzman   v   kilbluff1985
j959   v   korza
m0nty   v   luvfooty
Maca24   v   Master Q
MajorLazer   v   MC
MTTY   v   McRooster
My Chumps   v   Ringo
naste   v   Samm79
nostradamus   v   Spite
roo boys!   v   SydneyRox
thornz23   v   tabs
whatlez   v   tbagrocks
Champions   versus   Gunz
CFC 1979   v   ajjewell
CrowsFan   v   cortez
Cruiseon   v   DazBurg
enzedder   v   dmac07
fever   v   Hawka
GoldDigger   v   JBs-Hawks
Holzman   v   KoopKicka
j959   v   noto07
m0nty   v   Noz
Maca24   v   nrich102
MajorLazer   v   ossie85
MTTY   v   picker_man
My Chumps   v   Ricochet
naste   v   Spinking
nostradamus   v   T Dog
roo boys!   v   upthemaidens
thornz23   v   yorgis
whatlez   v   Ziplock
Champions   versus   Pirates
CFC 1979   v   ando_10
CrowsFan   v   BGK
Cruiseon   v   bomberboy0618
enzedder   v   Boomz
fever   v   BoredSaint
GoldDigger   v   BratPack
Holzman   v   c4v3m4n
j959   v   Chopps
m0nty   v   Dudge
Maca24   v   Hellopplz
MajorLazer   v   Luigi197
MTTY   v   Nails
My Chumps   v   nathan11
naste   v   Purple 77
nostradamus   v   pyronerd
roo boys!   v   thatguy
thornz23   v   Torpedo10
whatlez   v   valkorum

Fanatics   versus   Gunz
bunyip   v   ajjewell
Colliwobblers   v   cortez
coolfugitiv0   v   DazBurg
Fletch74   v   dmac07
Grazz   v   Hawka
Jayman   v   JBs-Hawks
kilbluff1985   v   KoopKicka
korza   v   noto07
luvfooty   v   Noz
Master Q   v   nrich102
MC   v   ossie85
McRooster   v   picker_man
Ringo   v   Ricochet
Samm79   v   Spinking
Spite   v   T Dog
SydneyRox   v   upthemaidens
tabs   v   yorgis
tbagrocks   v   Ziplock
Fanatics   versus   Pirates
bunyip   v   ando_10
Colliwobblers   v   BGK
coolfugitiv0   v   bomberboy0618
Fletch74   v   Boomz
Grazz   v   BoredSaint
Jayman   v   BratPack
kilbluff1985   v   c4v3m4n
korza   v   Chopps
luvfooty   v   Dudge
Master Q   v   Hellopplz
MC   v   Luigi197
McRooster   v   Nails
Ringo   v   nathan11
Samm79   v   Purple 77
Spite   v   pyronerd
SydneyRox   v   thatguy
tabs   v   Torpedo10
tbagrocks   v   valkorum
Gunz   versus   Pirates
ajjewell   v   ando_10
cortez   v   BGK
DazBurg   v   bomberboy0618
dmac07   v   Boomz
Hawka   v   BoredSaint
JBs-Hawks   v   BratPack
KoopKicka   v   c4v3m4n
noto07   v   Chopps
Noz   v   Dudge
nrich102   v   Hellopplz
ossie85   v   Luigi197
picker_man   v   Nails
Ricochet   v   nathan11
Spinking   v   Purple 77
T Dog   v   pyronerd
upthemaidens   v   thatguy
yorgis   v   Torpedo10
Ziplock   v   valkorum