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AXVs: Official Discussion Thread

Started by Colliwobblers, August 23, 2012, 01:44:14 AM

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Quote from: nostradamus on February 10, 2019, 03:58:12 AM
It's a shame Rids' offer to help out was rejected by nas and BB not all that long ago.
But if we have FF and FTC willing to step up that's fantastic, the comp can stay alive.

Quote from: Rids on February 10, 2019, 08:22:46 AM
I still have mod permission for the comp so if people are ok with it I can get things rolling again.

Would love to hear from coaches if they would want me to do this as it will take a little effort.

Not rejected by BB or myself it was left for Rids to comeback at any stage of his own accord due to the newborn baby health & time factor.
I thought that doing what I did with in doing last season with the Mods helped so that the start of the rounds had the 2 threads set & ready to go asap as well as anything else to help, sure made some mistakes but tried my best.


Quote from: nas on February 10, 2019, 09:07:06 AM
Quote from: nostradamus on February 10, 2019, 03:58:12 AM
It's a shame Rids' offer to help out was rejected by nas and BB not all that long ago.
But if we have FF and FTC willing to step up that's fantastic, the comp can stay alive.

Quote from: Rids on February 10, 2019, 08:22:46 AM
I still have mod permission for the comp so if people are ok with it I can get things rolling again.

Would love to hear from coaches if they would want me to do this as it will take a little effort.

Not rejected by BB or myself it was left for Rids to comeback at any stage of his own accord due to the newborn baby health & time factor.
I thought that doing what I did with in doing last season with the Mods helped so that the start of the rounds had the 2 threads set & ready to go asap as well as anything else to help, sure made some mistakes but tried my best.

I didnt get one message from you or BB in regards to my offer. It doesnt matter now.

AXV needs it's admin to be active and transparent moving fwd. No good blaming the lack of activity when admins dont post for weeks at a time.

Moving fwd we need to find out how many coaches are willing to commit to the season. Time to get the comp back on track.


Quote from: nostradamus on February 08, 2019, 07:24:57 AM
A simple "sorry l was wrong" would have been a lot easier than that spiel to justify yourself nige.

You want to apologise and admit I was wrong for something I didn't do?

I feel like I keep getting attacked. I haven't made this personal even once, all I've done is state facts and help to try bring about some kind of resolution but everyone else keeps taking shots, thinly veiled or otherwise.

Quote from: Rids on February 10, 2019, 09:18:06 AM
Moving fwd we need to find out how many coaches are willing to commit to the season. Time to get the comp back on track.

I can help clarify this if I'm allowed to say something. It's mostly repeating myself, but I think I need to say it again to clarify.

I want to start by making this abundantly clear: I don't want the comp to die, but I'm realistic in seeing that there's only so long you can circle the drain. This comp has been on life support for a while, and it really is time to pull the plug.

All this conversation in this thread plus the conversations I've had privately, suggests to me that there simply aren't enough numbers to keep it going.

Let's not forget that we did have 16 coaches. We lost tbag, Rico, Zander and Atto. Then we re-drafted. After that, FF quit. Then BB disappeared.

That has brought us to 10.

From the 10, I see at is being split (from where I stand)

On one side you've got:

The other side appears to be:

The unknown:

It's important to remember that JB hasn't said a word this entire time, so it's hard to know where he truly stands, he's never showed any signs of wanting to quit or give away a team though, but I think someone needs to get a definitely a definitive answer from him, as I've been saying the entire time.

FF has a history of quitting, that's a fact. Good coach, evidenced by his RDT win, but clearly something about these leagues is a struggle for him. He's been in ADT, ASC, WXVWs, BXVs and AXVs and quit all of them from memory. I'm aware he's said he's willing to rejoin if something gets going, and good on him if so, but I'm just reporting facts, not having a go at anyone here.

So that's 6 coaches at most. If you go from 16 to 6 coaches, surely that's got to count for something, has to be treated as a sign. Weight of numbers speaks volumes if you ask me.

From the conversations I've had with FTC, he seems like he's able to commit to running his 8 team idea. However, before he does that, he wants 110% commitment. Not only that, but no caretakers or any of that nonsense. His view would be putting the other 4 teams on ice and then having a year of this 8 team comp before bringing it back up to however many IF possible. There are two issues with this plan as I've pointed out to him and he's acknowledged.

The general trend of the forum and XVs has seen interest and activity drop pretty dramatically. That's a fact, you can't deny that. People are getting pressed for time, have lives of their own with work or whatever they do, it's hard to run these comps and the incumbent admins do a fantastic job imo because it isn't easy. All of them have basically been in the job for a number of years too, they haven't constant change.

Back on point, as mentioned above, cutting from 16 to 8 is insane as it is. There's already been one redraft. People have resigned, quit, disappeared. As time goes on, based on the current trend, it's only going to get worse. It appears AXVs is down to 4 definitely still keen, 2 questionables and 5 sadly willing to admit this is likely it.

I've seen the 'caretaker' idea brought up, but I've heard a number of people say it's a terrible idea and even then, there wouldn't be enough interest for that kind of role. Incumbent coaches being caretaker of another team is a conflict of interest, no matter how you spin it. You can vow to remaining impartial, but it's not fair or realistic to essentially have two teams, even if temporarily.

Also the fact that nobody is going to want to join a comp that's in this much turmoil. Blind Freddy would be able to see that. If coaches were to come in, they'd have to be experienced and active coaches, not people with no XVs experience or irregular activity.

The other issue is actually running the comp. It's a full time commitment basically, you can't half arse it. Anyone who has done admin work will tell you that. You either need someone you can rely on to work with you, and there needs to good enough communication between those running it, or you need to have enough time on your hands if running it alone. On top of this, AXVs has a reliance on UF these days and that costs money, not entirely sure that FTC is willing to pay. I believe Rids did last year and I presume is willing to do it again, but I imagine (this is an assumption and nothing more), if I was him, I wouldn't be doing it for a small number of coaches or until there was a proper decision made.

Ultimately, I would like to reiterate that I'm really sad that it's all come to this, AXVs is wonderfully unique comp and it's had some great moments, but in my opinion (which seems to be shared by several others inside and outside of AXVs), realistically, despite the desire of some to keep it going, there's just no future for this competition. Again, I don't want the comp to die, I don't think anyone does, but I've always been one to call a spade a spade and I really am not sure how someone is supposed to run a comp that's had this many hiccups and very obviously has dwindling interest, commitment and activity.


So once again, moving forward, if I was to give up some time and run the comp, who is willing to commit to coaching a team?

I know what has been posted previously but I am now after a new post to confirm their commitment or to resign as coach. After we get everyone's decision then we can decide what to do.

Football Factory

Sounds good to me Rids

I reckon you could ask peter-McBasketball if he wants a team, he was keen at one stage but Koop returned.



If Rids want’s to give it another crack at resuscitating the Comp, i’ll Stick around for one more shot. Only if it stays at 12 teams though.


Quote from: Rusty00 on February 10, 2019, 08:18:58 PM
If Rids want’s to give it another crack at resuscitating the Comp, i’ll Stick around for one more shot. Only if it stays at 12 teams though.


Quote from: Nige on February 10, 2019, 08:31:24 PM
Quote from: Rusty00 on February 10, 2019, 08:18:58 PM
If Rids want’s to give it another crack at resuscitating the Comp, i’ll Stick around for one more shot. Only if it stays at 12 teams though.


Ok. I will wait for a little longer for the other guys to make a comment. I will send a message if I dont here anything by afternoon. At this stage it looks likely we will have enough numbers to do a 12 team league.

Still waiting confirmation from:
BB (unlikely as he hasnt been online for months but will include for now)

Coaches that are in so far if 12 teams:


Quote from: Koop on February 10, 2019, 10:41:10 PM
Quote from: Nige on February 10, 2019, 08:31:24 PM
Quote from: Rusty00 on February 10, 2019, 08:18:58 PM
If Rids want’s to give it another crack at resuscitating the Comp, i’ll Stick around for one more shot. Only if it stays at 12 teams though.


Just a quick update post.

We now have 9 confirmations. I have messaged Hawka, JB and BB.

I would like to wait for a couple more days to get a response from them before advertising for new coaches. Things are looking good currently with all coaches confirming they want to still be a part of AXV if there are 12 teams.

If there are any questions etc please feel free to post or message them. I will advise again later.

Cheers everyone for your patience. With a little luck we should be having a comp for 2019!


Football Factory
