Started by nas, October 07, 2018, 09:24:35 PM

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Football Factory

Maybe we could get someone to look after his team for a while .. Rookie Draft .. they don't need to trade. I don't mind doing it, i would honestly pick the best players in my opinion for him.

Also Rids mentioned he would help out again if needed now his bubs is doing well. Not sure if this is still the same?

At the end of the day i just want to know if the competition is going to continue so i don't have to log in all the time making sure i don't miss anything.


Quote from: SydneyRox on December 18, 2018, 01:27:12 PM
Surely it isnt a massive issue, I for one, wont be logging on much over christmas, so if we cant get the draft done in the next few days, does it really matter if we dont start till next year??
It's not so much about starting the draft now as it is just about getting things up to date for whenever we do start and concern over the fact that a comp admin not logging in for 16 days is a bit of a worry.

Nat draft finished two weeks ago to the day and I imagine that the intention was to have it started and finished by now so we wouldn't have to even worry about drafting over Christmas or waiting until the new year.

Given we've waited this long, I'm not too fussed when it starts at this point. Personally (and I'm sure others too), I just want(ed) some kind of update after zero activity in this part of the forum for two weeks hence taking the time to get every up to date and give nas a chop out as I know he's been trying to do so whilst being pretty busy with things going on in his life.

Quote from: Football Factory on December 18, 2018, 01:31:29 PM
Maybe we could get someone to look after his team for a while .. Rookie Draft .. they don't need to trade. I don't mind doing it, i would honestly pick the best players in my opinion for him.

Also Rids mentioned he would help out again if needed now his bubs is doing well. Not sure if this is still the same?

At the end of the day i just want to know if the competition is going to continue so i don't have to log in all the time making sure i don't miss anything.
Certainly not the worst option, probably best for the someone like nas (since he's basically caretaker atm) or someone independent to do it though, I'm sure we could find someone if it came to that.

Haven't heard or seen much of Rids lately, I know he checks in from time to time but is "hidden" while online. He's a busy man too, and obviously has a little fella as we know so I'm sure he's busy enough.

Like I said, happy to help nas out in the interim. Pretty quiet time of year for me. Run ADT with LF but that's pretty well sorted and chip in to help Holz (and nas) with Euros when and where I can, so I don't mind doing what I can here too since I really just want this comp up and running somewhat properly again because I do enjoy it for what it is.

Football Factory

I enjoy the comp as well, i kind of just want to get the Rookie draft done and dusted so i don't have to think about it anymore. Then everyone can just come and go as they please until we get closer to the new season.


Quote from: Football Factory on December 18, 2018, 01:43:47 PM
I enjoy the comp as well, i kind of just want to get the Rookie draft done and dusted so i don't have to think about it anymore. Then everyone can just come and go as they please until we get closer to the new season.
I'm with you there, but unfortunately with the activity of AXVs coaches making it the slowest comp when it comes to drafting, it just doesn't look likely we'd get it done before Christmas.

Took us 9 days for the nat draft, which means if it takes us the same amount of time, even if we started right now then we wouldn't finish until Boxing Day and the closer we get to Christmas, the less likely people are gonna be active (by their own admission, as well as what history suggests).

Unfortunately, because some people don't like coming on every day to check and some don't like leaving lists, combined with the time of the year, the ideal scenario is extremely unlikely to play out.


Yep I'm away for close to a month after Christmas with little internet (and none for 11 days of that on a cruise). I didn't think it would be a problem considering we normally have everything done by now. But this doesn't seem to be the case.

Football Factory

Should start the draft now with no time limit to pick


It'll just get stuck at BB's first pick, not really worthwhile.

Football Factory

Quote from: fanTCfool on December 18, 2018, 07:48:20 PM
It'll just get stuck at BB's first pick, not really worthwhile.

nas will pick for him  ;)

Football Factory


I have offered a few times now to help out but haven't heard anything back from anyone. At the end of the day, I gathered that my offer was not required. More than happy to just coach the team without the additional load so happy to leave it as is now.

I have been popping online every few days to see if anything has progressed or not. Nostra and I only look after 2 teams now in the XV comps and with BXV drafts etc wrapped up, it is only really waiting for this one to begin.


Quote from: Rids on December 18, 2018, 10:42:49 PM
I have offered a few times now to help out but haven't heard anything back from anyone. At the end of the day, I gathered that my offer was not required. More than happy to just coach the team without the additional load so happy to leave it as is now.

I have been popping online every few days to see if anything has progressed or not. Nostra and I only look after 2 teams now in the XV comps and with BXV drafts etc wrapped up, it is only really waiting for this one to begin.

Mate, re not being contacted, in my case was due to the health problems that your family has had (hope that health problems are on the up) & pretty sure BB would have been under the same thoughts that you wouldn't wanted us to DM you asking if you could do this & that. My thoughts were that "if things got better on the home front then it would have been your call to offer."

I have been in limbo since the 26/11 re a DM to BB so know where your coming from re not receiving a reply.

Without the help of Nige I would be further behind to where we are now.


Quote from: nas on December 19, 2018, 11:40:38 AM
Quote from: Rids on December 18, 2018, 10:42:49 PM
I have offered a few times now to help out but haven't heard anything back from anyone. At the end of the day, I gathered that my offer was not required. More than happy to just coach the team without the additional load so happy to leave it as is now.

I have been popping online every few days to see if anything has progressed or not. Nostra and I only look after 2 teams now in the XV comps and with BXV drafts etc wrapped up, it is only really waiting for this one to begin.

Mate, re not being contacted, in my case was due to the health problems that your family has had (hope that health problems are on the up) & pretty sure BB would have been under the same thoughts that you wouldn't wanted us to DM you asking if you could do this & that. My thoughts were that "if things got better on the home front then it would have been your call to offer."

I have been in limbo since the 26/11 re a DM to BB so know where your coming from re not receiving a reply.

Without the help of Nige I would be further behind to where we are now.

I have posted multiple times saying that things were back to normal (as normal as having a 9 month baby can be), and that I was more than willing to help out where and when required. All good though. Nige has been able to help out etc so more than happy to just be a co-coach. The last thing I want to do is step on anyone's toes. I appreciate people helping out when I needed to take a break and it was never assumed I would just waltz back in when things were better.

I will leave it up to others in regards to what role I will play. Happy to do whatever is required to get the comp back rolling.

Football Factory

I don't care if it's late January early February but can we get a start date for the Rookie Draft please ?


Quote from: Football Factory on December 21, 2018, 11:25:14 AM
I don't care if it's late January early February but can we get a start date for the Rookie Draft please ?


What are we actually waiting for?  If the lists are all up to date and delistings are done, why can't we start?