What to do?

Started by aces-high, July 05, 2010, 05:59:49 PM

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Team is
Def-Goddard,Hodge,Mackie,Enright,Carazzo,Scotland,Malceski emer,Webs,Roberton
Mids-Pendles,Dal Santo,Deledio,Stanton,Selwood,Barlow
Rucks-Cox,Sandi emer-Stanley,Lobbe
7trades and $21,500
Gonna trade barlow for ablett then i dont know?
Option1-Hold trades till finals with team set
Option 2-Wait a couple of weeks trade tippett for cash and upgrade bate,rockliff or jb to chappie and  upgrade stants or carazzo or Lids?
All ideas wecome cheers!

CFC 1979

looks alright

def barlow - ablett
i would hold tippett - he seems to be back in form
goodes would be your biggest worry - doesn't even look like knocking out a score atm