Demons Supporters League

Started by Mr Adams, February 01, 2015, 02:35:42 PM

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Mr Adams

G'day Demons fans,

I am setting up a couple of Melbourne-themed leagues this year:

1) A 'Dees Utilities' all-rounders league for all players of all experience. Just for fun.

2) A 'Couldabeen Champs' league for those who consistently rank within the top 1%.

These leagues are exclusively for Melbourne supporters only, so if you're keen please PM me your interest and SC rank for the last 2 years.

Cheers, and Go Dees!

Mr Adams


Demons Utilities - 636629

Demons CouldabeenChamps - 657870

Mr Adams

Dees Supporters Leagues - update:

Demons Utilities - 3 x spots left

Couldabeen Champs - 7 x spots left

Codes for both are above.

Go Dees!