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From The Pavilion II

Started by m0nty, December 16, 2014, 02:49:46 PM

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I have 3 29yo spinners now. Oops.
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


First game of the year fellas, dont forget to set orders like I almost just did :P


Just lost 3 wickets in 1 over to a 7k wage FM on a slow/humid.
What is life.


Match Ratings
   Cagayan allstars   Opium Splendour
Batting - Top Order   11,428   13,436
Batting - Middle Order   10,216   9,904
Batting - Tail   6,909   5,975
Bowling - Seam   9,412 (12)   12,965 (12)
Bowling - Spin   11,038 (8)   13,959 (8)
Fielding/Keeping   11,542   15,820
Overall   192,245   225,564

Won by 2 runs. My batting line-up was weakened but I would've cracked it if I had lost.


I got beaten, lovely start to the season...
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126



You'll get a lot of that with the bots that are in your league.


Quote from: nrich102 on December 31, 2014, 06:56:32 AM
Well... My game was close...

Yeah thats a lot of bots, I'd play your potentially good juniors like jolly especially every time you play a bot throw a few (good young) youths in your line up to get extra experience, while still making sure you win by a big margin to be on top your league in for/against.

bots were boring when i started, but god i miss them now :)


Took Colli's advice and still won by 400 runs 8)

It's going to be a harsh reality when it comes to the pavilion cup...


I plan to have the next news item up soon, I have ideas of what to put in it already, just need to paper them :)
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


abbas took 7-20 in my 20/20 tonight best ever for my team in 20/20

not bad looking at the ratings not like i was bot bashing or anything :D

   DazBurg's Greatness    Staten Island Stapletons
Batting - Top Order    12,006    12,635
Batting - Middle Order    7,761    8,589
Batting - Tail    4,609    4,965
Bowling - Seam    12,742 (12)    11,050 (16)
Bowling - Spin    12,888 (8)    13,001 (4)
Fielding/Keeping    14,813    13,194
Overall    201,337    196,578


Take that BP (beat him last night ina T20). 6 wickets in the last 2 overs :o.


Quote from: Spinking on January 07, 2015, 05:31:59 PM
Quote from: KoopKicka on January 07, 2015, 05:19:12 PM

Absolutely speechless right now.

So unlucky! Easily outrated him too.
Wouldn't say he easily outrated him, only 6k, which is nothing really. Wouldn't say it was so unlucky either. He played 3 spinners in humid/uneven conditions, which is never going to go well for you. Poor tactics is what lost you the game, so shouldn't be speechless with the result.