European 15s Draft

Started by Holz, November 15, 2011, 08:40:59 PM

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If you are inactive for TWO WEEKS without arranging for someone to temporarily take over, or send someone your preferences for draft picks, you will be SACKED as coach and someone else will take over.

You have TWENTY-FOUR hours to make your pick: Unless you have been online in that time, but have yet to make your pick In this case, you have TWO hours to make your pick

You can pick players at any time, but they will not be yours officially until it is your official turn to pick. Players listed in purple are still available to be picked, and players you nominate for future picks will be coloured purple

Drafting Page!

You can pick as many players for any position as you want, so long as you're sure you can fill out the 4 mid, 4 back, 4 fwd and 1 ruck requirement Players can play out of position but only HALF there score will count. Remember, you also get 2 free choices or utility players so you can pick any position example you could play 3 Rucks if you want, 1 in the ruck position and 2 utilities.

Positions currently determined by m0nty's fanplanner IF they change later on, that is tough cookies, they have changed and YOU have to adjust (i.e if you purchased John Smith as a forward, but later turns out to be classified as a defender, than he can only be played as a defender This also applies as position changes year to year).

Draft in 3 parts

Initial draft only counts for players who are on 2012 lists. If you pick a player that later retires or is delisted before the season starts, than you can take another player immediately (assuming there are players left). The U17 Mini Draft players CAN NOT be selected. Brendan Fevola can NOT be selected yet, as he was not traded to another team and is now no longer on a list..

Second draft is for all players picked in the National Draft and "mini-draft"

Third draft is for all players picked Preseason draft and Rookie draft.

Im Planning for either 25 or 30 picks from afl players and 5 picks in the afl draft. Each year there will be a trade period (the first will be the end of the 2012 season) also each year there will be a draft where you get picks based on your performance in the season i plan on having a cap of 35 or 40 players so you will need to delist players if you go over the limit.


Round 1

1. Nostradamus - Dane Swan
2. Scrads - Gary Ablett Jnr
3. TheMailman - Scott Pendlebury
4. Voldermort - Joel Selwood
5. LaHug - Tom Rockliff
6. Holzman - Bryce Gibbs
7. Ziplock - Marc Murphy
8. Powerbug - Nathan Fyfe
9.  MTTY - David Mundy
10. Elephants - Andrew Swallow
11. Torpedo10 - Lance Franklin
12. Ossie/BB - Todd Goldstein
13. Meow - Jack Redden
14. HP - Brendan Goddard

Round 2

15. HP - Travis Cloke
16. Meow - Jobe Watson
17. Ossie/BB - Cyril Rioli
18. Torpedo10 - Matthew Boyd
19. Elephants - Matthew Leuenberger
20. MTTY - Heath Shaw
21. Powerbug - Brett Deledio
22. Ziplock - Ben Mcevoy
23. Holzman - Shane Mumford
24. LaHug - Sam Jacobs
25. Voldermort - Aaron Sandilands
26. TheMailman - Scott Thompson
27. Scrads - Steve Johnson
28. Nostradamus - Patrick Ryder

Round 3

29. Nostradamus -  Dyson Heppell
30. Scrads - Dale Thomas
31. TheMailman - Dean Cox
32. Voldermort - Grant Birchall
33. LaHug - Matthew Scukling
34. Holzman _ Matthew Priddis
35. Ziplock - Adam Goodes
36. Powerbug  - Heath Scotland
37.  MTTY - Zach Smith
38. Elephants - Michael Barlow
39. Torpedo10 - Nic Naituni
40. Ossie/BB - Hamish Hartlet
41. Meow - Ryan Griffen
42. HP - Paul Chapman

Round 4

43. HP - Liam Shiels
44. Meow - Dustin Martin
45. Ossie/BB - Sam Mitchell
46. Torpedo10 - Sam Fisher
47. Elephants - Greg Broughton
48. MTTY - David Zaharakis
49. Powerbug - Steele Sidebottom
50. Ziplock - Jack Grimes
51. Holzman - Trent Cotchin
52. LaHug - Brent Stanton
53. Voldermort - Nick Dal Santo
54. TheMailman - Corey Enright
55. Scrads - Andrew Carrazzo
56. Nostradamus - Matthew Kreuzer

Round 5

57. Nostradamus - Leigh Montagna
58. Scrads - Matthew Pavlich
59. TheMailman - Chris Judd
60. Voldemort - Drew Petrie
61. LaHug - Colin Syliva
62. Holzman - Mark Lecras
63. Ziplock - Jack Trengove
64. Powerbug -  Daniel  Giansiracusa
65. MTTY - Michael Rischitelli
66. Elephants - Bachar Houli
67. Torpedo10 - Luke Hodge
68. Ossie/BB -  Jimmy Bartel
69. Meow -  Stefan Martin
70. HP -  Robie Gray

Round 6

71. HP -  Scott Selwood
72. Meow -  Shaun Higgins
73. Ossie/BB - Kurt Tippet
74. Torpedo10 -  Jack Steven
75. Elephants -  Mitch Robinson
76. MTTY -  Dayne Beams
77. Powerbug -  Brent Moloney
78. Ziplock -  Jack Riewoldt
79. Holzman - David Swallow
80. LaHug - James Kelly
81. Voldermort - Jarred Brennan
82. TheMailman - Ryan Okeefe
83. Scrads - Jed Adcock
84. Nostradamus - Luke Shuey

Round 7

85. Nostradamus - Rory Sloane
86. Scrads - Nathan Van Berlo
87. TheMailman - Nathan Bock
88. Voldemort -  Andrew Mackie
89. LaHug -  Luke Ball
90. Holzman -  Jack Watts
91. Ziplock -  Jack Ziebell
92. Powerbug -  Nick Riewoldt
93. MTTY -  Travis Boak
94. Elephants -  Robin Nahas
95. Torpedo10 - Daniel Rich
96. Ossie/BB -  Kade Simpson
97. Meow - Pearce Hanley
98. HP -  Jarrod Harbrow

Round 8

99. HP - Leigh Adams
100. Meow -  Daniel Cross
101. Ossie/BB -  Paul Duffield
102. Torpedo10 - Beau Waters
103. Elephants -  Jarryd Roughead
104. MTTY -  Danny Stanley
105. Powerbug - Brad Sewell
106. Ziplock -  Josh J Kennedy
107. Holzman - Daniel Wells
108. LaHug -  Matthew Stokes
109. Voldermort - Kieren Jack
110. TheMailman - Matthew Lobbe
111. Scrads - Brent Guerra
112. Nostradamus - Sam Gilbert

Round 9

113. Nostradamus - Chris Yarran
114. Scrads - Mitch Clark
115. TheMailman - Tendai Mzungu
116. Voldemort -  Issac Smith
117. LaHug -  Jordan Lewis
118. Holzman -  Hamish Mcintosh
119. Ziplock -  Andrew Gaff
120. Powerbug -  Darren Jolly
121. MTTY -  Trent West
122. Elephants -  Patrick Dangerfield
123. Torpedo10 - Josh P Kennedy
124. Ossie/BB - Ed Cunrow
125. Meow - Robert Murphy
126. HP -  Mitch Duncan

Round 10

127. HP - Jonathan Brown
128. Meow -  Max Bailey
129. Ossie/BB -  Paul Puopolo
130. Torpedo10 - Jack Darling
131. Elephants - Shaun Grigg
132. MTTY -  Sam Butler
133. Powerbug -  Joel Corey
134. Ziplock -  Calan Ward
135. Holzman - Zach Clarke
136. LaHug -  Alex Rance
137. Voldermort - Nick Lower
138. TheMailman - Jude Bolton
139. Scrads -  Jason Gram
140. Nostradamus - Cameron Wood

Round 11

113. Nostradamus - Alan Didak
114. Scrads - Jared Petrenko
115. TheMailman - Lenny Hayes
116. Voldemort -  Chris Newman
117. LaHug -  Angus Monfries
118. Holzman -  Tom Scully
119. Ziplock -  Alan Christensen
120. Powerbug -  Shannon Hurn
121. MTTY -  Michael Hurley
122. Elephants -  Daniel Hannenbery 
123. Torpedo10 - Matt Rosa
124. Ossie/BB - Ricky Petterd
125. Meow - Jeef Garlett
126. HP -  Heath Hocking

Round 12

155. HP - Xavier Ellis
156. Meow -  Jarrad Waite
157. Grazz -  Brandon Matera
158. Torpedo10 - Stewart Crameri
159. Elephants - Ben McGlynn
160. MTTY -  Andy Otten
161. Powerbug -  Justin Westhoff
162. Ziplock -  Jackson Trengove
163. Holzman - Chris Knights
164. LaHug -  Jordan Russell
165. Voldermort - Andrew Embley
166. TheMailman - Michael Hibberd
167. Scrads -  Hayden Ballantyne
168. Nostradamus - Ben Howlett

Round 13

169. Nostradamus - Bernie Vince
170. Scrads - Brad Ebert
171. TheMailman - Brendan Whitecross
172. Voldemort - Graham Johncock
173. LaHug -  Nathan Jones
174. Holzman - Dylan Shiel
175. Ziplock - Tom Hawkins
176. Powerbug -  Nathan Foley
177. MTTY -  James Frawley
178. Elephants - Brent Renouf
179. Torpedo10 - Nick Duigan
180. Grazz - Anthony Morabito
181. Meow - Liam Jones
182. HP - Robert Warnock

Round 14

183. HP - Brent Harvey
184. Meow -  Cameron Pederson
185. Grazz -  Dion Prestia
186. Torpedo10 - Tyrone Vickery
187. Elephants - Josh Caddy
188. MTTY - Matthew Jaensch
189. Powerbug - Simon Black
190. Ziplock - Tony Armstrong
191. Holzman - Adam Schneider
192. LaHug -  Chris Dawes
193. Voldermort - Brad Green
194. TheMailman - Travis Varcoe
195. Scrads -  Jason Porplyzia
196. Nostradamus - Daniel Menzel

Round 15

197. Nostradamus - Luke Power
198. Scrads - Shane Savage
199. TheMailman - J.Giles
200. Voldemort - David Ellard
201. LaHug -  Heath Grundy
202. Holzman - Tommy Walsh
203. Ziplock - Ben Jacobs
204. Powerbug -  Mark Jamar
205. MTTY - Phil Davis
206. Elephants - Rhys Palmer
207. Torpedo10 - Kyle Hardingham
208. Grazz - Jared Polec
209. Meow - Brian Lake
210. HP -  Jarrad McVeigh

Round 16

211. HP - Adam Cooney
212. Meow -  William Minson
213. Grazz -  Sam Iles
214. Torpedo10 - David Hale
215. Elephants - Daniel Connors
216. MTTY - Jeremy Howe
217. Powerbug - Jordie McKenzie
218. Ziplock - Cale Morton
219. Holzman -  Tim Mohr
220. LaHug -  Angus Graham
221. Voldermort -  Andrew Walker
222. TheMailman - Trent Mckenzie
223. Scrads -  Sharrod Wellingham
224. Nostradamus - Shaun Burguoyne

Round 17

225. Nostradamus -  James Polkinghorne
226. Scrads - Ian Callinan
227. TheMailman -  Ben Reid
228. Voldemort -  Dom Cassisi
229. LaHug -  Andrew Krakouer
230. Holzman - Harry Taylor
231. Ziplock -  Jordan Roughead
232. Powerbug -  Troy Chaplin
233. MTTY - Luke Dahlhaus
234. Elephants - Brad Symes
235. Torpedo10 - Sam Reid
236. Grazz - Lindsay Gilbee
237. Meow - David Myers
238. HP - Jonathan Griffin

Round 18

239. HP -  Adam Selwood
240. Meow - John Butcher
241. Grazz - Tom Liberatore
242. Torpedo10 -  Liam Anthony
243. Elephants -  Mitch Morton
244. MTTY -  Sam Day
245. Powerbug - Scott McMahon
246. Ziplock - Patrick Veszpremi
247. Holzman -  Ahmed Saad
248. LaHug -  Jordan Gysberts
249. Voldermort -  Stephen Milne
250. TheMailman - Jarrod Witts
251. Scrads - Steven Morris
252. Nostradamus -  Steven Salopek

Round 19

253. Nostradamus - Shane Edwards
254. Scrads - Jack Gunston
255. TheMailman - Dayne Zorko
256. Voldermort - Cale Hooker
257. LaHug - Bret Thornton
258. Holzman - Nick Malcheski
259. Ziplock - Ryan Bastinac
260. Powerbug  - Simon Buckley
261.  MTTY - Alex Johnson
262. Elephants - Tom Lynch
263. Torpedo10 - Jake Melksham
264. Grazz - Michael Doughty
265. Meow - Jeremey Cameron
266. HP - Jake Carlisle

Round 20

267. HP - Richard Douglas
268. Meow - Harley Bennell
269. Grazz - Gary Rohan
270. Torpedo10 - Josh Gibson
271. Elephants - Reece Conca
272. MTTY - Sam Darley
273. Powerbug - Ashley McGrath
274. Ziplock - Jarrad Grant
275. Holzman - Christian Howard
276. LaHug - Clinton Jones
277. Voldermort - James Gwilt
278. TheMailman - Sam Sheldon
279. Scrads - Tom Bellchambers
280. Nostradamus - Stephen Hill

Round 21

281. Nostradamus - Stephen Clifton
282. Scrads - Nic Suban
283. TheMailman - David Hille
284. bb - Michael Firrito
285. LaHug - Eddie Betts
286 Holzman -  Scott D thompson
287. Ziplock - Josh Toy
288. Powerbug -  max gawn
289. MTTY - Scott Lycett
290. Elephants - Leroy Jetta
291. Torpedo10 -  Jason Tutt
292. bestguykai -  Mitch Wallis
293. Meow -  Adam Treloar
294. HP -  Matt Thomas

Round 22

295. HP - Brodie Smith
296. Meow - Jack Hombsch
297. bestguykai -  Anthony Miles
298. Torpedo10 - Josh Fraser
299. Elephants - Rhyce Shaw
300. MTTY - Curtley Hampton
301. Powerbug - chad cornes
302. Ziplock - Alex Silvagni
303. Holzman -   Jeremy Laidler
304. LaHug -  Daniel Jackson
305. BB - Jason Winderlich
306. TheMailman - Gerald Ugle
307. Scrads -  Alex Fasolo
308. Nostradamus - Matthew Broadbent

Round 23

309. Nostradamus - Taylor Walker
310. Scrads -  Daniel Gorringe
311. TheMailman - David Rodan
312. bb - Liam Jurrah
313. LaHug - Quinten Lynch
314 Holzman -  Will Sierakowski
315. Ziplock - Scott gumbleton
316. Powerbug -  Jarrad Blair
317. MTTY -  Josh Bruce
318. Elephants -  James Podsiadly
319. Torpedo10 -  Matthew Wright
320. bestguykai -  Ivan Maric
321. Meow -  Brent Macaffer
322. HP -  Luke Thompson

Round 24

323. HP - Farren Ray
324. Meow - Luke Breust
325. Grazz -  Ryan Hargrave
326. Torpedo10 - Jasper Pittard
327. Elephants -  Luke Tapscott
328. MTTY -  Daniel Talia
329. Powerbug - Aaron Edwards
330. Ziplock -  Rohan Bewick
331. Holzman -  Justin Sherman
332. LaHug -  Lucas Cook
333. BB -  Josh Hill
334. TheMailman - Jed Lamb
335. Scrads - Nathan Vardy
336. Nostradamus - Tayte Pears

Round 25

337. Nostradamus - Courtenay Dempsey
338. Scrads -  Garrick Ibbotson
339. TheMailman - Justin Koschitzke
340. bb - Lukas Markovic
341. LaHug - David Armitage
342 Holzman -  Kane Cornes
343. Ziplock -Koby Stevens
344. Powerbug - Jarrad Redden
345. MTTY - Daniel Kerr
346. Elephants -  Travis Coyler                 
347. Torpedo10 -  Marty Clarke
348. Grazz - Kieran Harper
349. Meow -  Shane Tuck
350. HP -  Chris Mayne




Justin Bieber

Quote from: Hellopplz on November 15, 2011, 08:53:42 PM
Dang I'm early. Need to think of a pick :P. I prefer late picks oh well :).
Also removed Zippy's post just so the opening posts are with Holz :).



Probably a stupid question, but how many players in total will we have on our lists, and are we limited to how many spots we can fill with each draft, like do we HAVE to make x amount of selections in each draft or could we make up our entire list from the one draft ?


will you be PMing people to tell them that it's their pick?


Quote from: Voldemort on November 15, 2011, 08:58:32 PM
DAMN PICK 14 !!!

pick 14 is good remeber you get pick 15 aswell and you also get the number 1 pick in the draft so you can take your pick of patton ,omeara or coniglio they are the guns of the future


Quote from: Hellopplz on November 15, 2011, 08:55:51 PM
Quote from: Hellopplz on November 15, 2011, 08:53:42 PM
Dang I'm early. Need to think of a pick :P. I prefer late picks oh well :).
Also removed Zippy's post just so the opening posts are with Holz :).

I noticed that.

I'm happy enough with pick 7. I'm sure my first pick will go wayyy before it gets to me, but I've got 7 players lined up for future captaincy of the Valkyries, and any one of them would be a great addition :)


Quote from: Scrads on November 15, 2011, 08:59:46 PM
Probably a stupid question, but how many players in total will we have on our lists, and are we limited to how many spots we can fill with each draft, like do we HAVE to make x amount of selections in each draft or could we make up our entire list from the one draft ?

im thinking 25 rounds for the AFL possibly 30 and than 5 rounds in the Draft and not sure on the the 3rd draft.

Voldermort i will PM people whenever im on i have sent nostradamus the PM already



OK ITS OPEN, good luck everyone

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Voldemort on November 15, 2011, 08:58:32 PM
DAMN PICK 14 !!!
I am willing to swap if you want? (And if it's alright with others).

I wouldn't mind be shifted to the back if that's alright with everybody although may be too late :-\. Would also mean people could send me their picks if they'll be away as I wouldn't be able to choose their players anyway (Unless they are right before me) :P.


Like it's going to make a diff ossie  ::) you have pick 13  8)

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Voldemort on November 15, 2011, 09:09:13 PM
Like it's going to make a diff ossie  ::) you have pick 13  8)
I'm HP...... (Pick 4) ;).