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From The Pavilion II

Started by m0nty, December 16, 2014, 02:49:46 PM

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Bowler C (rws): 8-1-43-2??


I would have guessed the same as Pk, but I may actually go for Bowler A cause good economy compared to the others. Your opponents wouldn't know what hit them :P.



Im going with bowler B as its the most surprising so thats surely why you're posting.


Torp you looked at my game though so you cheated :P

Yeah it was bowler E, the off spinner. Started with a maiden and actually bowled 3 overs at the death which hurt his figures a little bit (was 0/17 off 5). Sunny/Crumbling and I rate his ord/reli + Skilled Bowling over my other option which is avg/reas. And this way also lets me play another batsman.

Quote from: JBs-Hawks on April 22, 2015, 07:18:17 PM
Im going with bowler B as its the most surprising so thats surely why you're posting.
If only! That would've been some nasty figures haha

   Farken Nufties    PowerBugCC
Batting - Top Order    5,324    5,931
Batting - Middle Order    4,759    5,104
Batting - Tail    3,826    3,122
Bowling - Seam    6,715 (12)    5,136 (16)
Bowling - Spin    6,015 (28)    4,816 (24)
Fielding/Keeping    5,102    7,157
Overall    98,245    99,700

5 wicket win with over 6 overs left. Not much competition in SL YOD 1.1 I am one of the highest rating sides.
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


next time you think you can't win a game because you will be outdated by too much, look at this match:

What the actual flower. What a victory
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Arno Van Haaren made another century today.  8)


D.Thirimanne (lws) 8-1-22-5

He is now on 84 YOD wickets, is yet to miss a YOD match but with Sri Lanka winning the tour rights and Crumbling being first preference, he is going to tour and thus miss a YOD match.

Still it would be ultimate choke if he can't get 3 more wickets to get to 87 and be my all time leading YOD wicket taker. I am expecting him to crack the 100 as well.
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Beat Pk in our youth league game.

He didn't set orders though so it wasn't much of a game.

Jude Camphin got out in the 90s again for me.  :(


Quote from: Nige on April 29, 2015, 07:35:16 PM
Beat Pk in our youth league game.

He didn't set orders though so it wasn't much of a game.

Jude Camphin got out in the 90s again for me.  :(
First sign of Nailitis is forgetting to set orders for a league game. :o Next you know he will be selling his squad to buy 16yo's :\
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Lost to the same team twice this week, in T20 where I outrated him by like 16k but just couldn't bat on the Uneven (barely posted over 100), then lost by 7 wickets again in a YOD match when he outrated me by 12k.

*sighs, I've still gotta continue tinkering with orders as can never find the right mix with my guys :-\. If anybody is bored and wants to suggest any tactics for any forms of the matches, feel free to and I'll try them out in friendlies/League matches as got nothing to lose from my current way of going about things.

Main problems is that I struggle getting Batters over 50 runs and grabbing wickets with Bowlers.


Should I still be looking to buy players? If so, are there any specs that I should be looking for?

I remember being told to always look out for players with relevant talents. I don't think any of my current team have any.

I've got like $600k, I assume I shouldn't be spending any larger than like $50k at the absolute most on players if I can?


Quote from: Nige on April 30, 2015, 10:26:05 AM
Should I still be looking to buy players? If so, are there any specs that I should be looking for?

I remember being told to always look out for players with relevant talents. I don't think any of my current team have any.

I've got like $600k, I assume I shouldn't be spending any larger than like $50k at the absolute most on players if I can?
I got some uni shower to do rn but I will get back to you by the end of the day. That would be a good start though yeah, use the money on players/academies.
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Quote from: Nige on April 30, 2015, 10:26:05 AM
Should I still be looking to buy players? If so, are there any specs that I should be looking for?

I remember being told to always look out for players with relevant talents. I don't think any of my current team have any.

I've got like $600k, I assume I shouldn't be spending any larger than like $50k at the absolute most on players if I can?
Ok, so looking at your team here is what I see:

1. You have enough guys of an old age (1x 28yo, 2x 26yo). So when buying players don't go over 24.
2. The only player from your team I can see the skills of is your Sri Lankan, and cap/cap is not good at 20. If you have any other cap/cap players get rid of them asap. This MAY be your only exception, because as you do not own another fast bowler you can hold Kapugedera until you buy another fast bowler.
3. Fielding. This should probably be number 1. Make sure your players can field. By field I mean reliable or higher. Cap absolute minimum no expections to have a player less than cap (if you either sell them or train them in fielding).
4. Buying players. You can go over $50k, seeing as you have $600k I would look at making 3 solid purchases for a combined total of $350k tops, fire off some deadweight (Ross and Pyke stand out as ones that should be fired first), sit at around 14 players.
5. Academies. If you stick to $350k then you'll have some money left over. Upgrade one (maybe both) academies. I don't know what levels they are if you tell me that then i can have a better idea on whether it's worth upgrading or not.
6. Ideally you leave about $100k in the bank just as a bit of a safety net.

So time for specifics. Bats first: - $75k Seam Spec - Opener under $10k right now

So if you get those two, no doubt they will slot right into your Best XI. And then you fire Ross and Pyke (they are worth nothing)

Bowlers: - Medium with a trigger $6k - rfm Old Ball Bowler $8k - rfm New Ball Bowler under $10k - rfs OBB $1k

From there you can fire Ishaq and probably Ventkateshwara. Ishaq goes if you buy anyone, and if you get the spinner then Ventkat goes as well.

That was probably a lot more than you wanted/needed, but I love to go on and on and on about this game, and a new team is the best part of the game. :P
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126


Yeah running a new team was the best!

Also for investing in academies, prioritize your Senior Academy for now, since that's where most of your players are being purchased for. And raise the Youth one when you have cash lying around and you can afford it (can bring that at a slower rate than Seniors for now).