Rule Change Proposal #5: Player ages and Youth Pull changes

Started by PowerBug, May 13, 2015, 05:57:38 PM

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Quote from: FTP-ashario
- Players will have their age measured in years and weeks.

- All youth pulls will be aged 16y 0w. End of season youth pulls will now be roughly as valuable as early season ones

- The type of player you request will have an influence over the talents the player is allocated (eg pick a batsman and you are more likely to receive a player with batting related talents)

- The skill levels of the player you recruit will more closely reflect your request (ie if you request a bowler, he will be more likely to have a half decent bowling skill level)

- Increase the skill differential for pulled youths. Make it possible, for example, for a player to be pulled with one or more skills at reliable. The aim here is to try and increase the spread of player skills (ie we end up with a small number of truly elite players)

- For the purposes of U19 qualification, a player is deemed eligible for U19s if he is less than 20 years of age at the start of the season

- I assume this change would be implemented during EOS updates. For all existing players, their 'birthday' would be at the start of the season (which is effectively how it works now).
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126



Dating things back, turns out I posted this Season 27. Ash says it'll be implemented at EOS. And that is pretty much when he disappeared. Oh how good the game was running at that stage :'(
A Port supporter with a full set of his own teeth
Coach of WXV side Rio De Janeiro Jaguars
2023 SC: Rank 126